AfriCircular Innovators Programme

The AfriCircular Innovators Programme is a pivotal initiative for advancing Africa’s circular economy. Backed by the African Development Bank’s Africa Circular Economy Facility (ACEF) and reinforced by the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), the programme plays a key role in invigorating the economic vitality of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) a foundational pillars of Africa’s economy, constituting approximately 80% of its business landscape. Moreover, AfriCircular nurtures young entrepreneurs whose ingenuity and dynamism are vital to driving Africa’s Green Growth.

Applications closed on May 31st, 2024.


The program provides extensive support tailored to startups in the circular economy sector. This includes:


  • Circular Economy and Business Support Training: Customized training sessions, masterclasses, and workshops covering a diverse range of topics, precisely tailored to meet the needs of each venture.
  • Tailored Coaching Sessions: Every entrepreneur is matched with a dedicated coach, offering ongoing guidance to apply program insights effectively and maintain focus on circular solutions development.
  • Peer-to-Peer Learning: Platforms for entrepreneurs to exchange experiences, address challenges, and explore collaborative ventures with peers across different hubs.
  • Market Linkages and Industry Connections: Facilitated activities, including circular marketplaces, investor roundtables, entrepreneur showcases, business tours, and expert panel discussions, fostering connections and showcasing circular innovations.
  • Financial Grants: Selected entrepreneurs receive grant funding for market exploration and product development, supplemented by tailored technical coaching to reach specific milestones.
  • Demo Day: A Regional Demo day event and roadshow where the top 10 entrepreneurs will showcase their circular journeys and progress in the program. The event will also be an opportunity to showcase the program’s success and a way to raise awareness on the toolkits that IHs will have developed for the entire circular economy ecosystem.


We are seeking innovative startups operating in the circular economy sector who are committed to driving positive change and sustainability. Specifically, we are looking for:


  • Stage of entrepreneurs: The program will look for and support entrepreneurs who are at the early stage of their entrepreneurial journey. This includes entrepreneurs who have, as a minimum, a working prototype that has been tested with and by real users. 
  • Thematic areas of solutions: The program will target solutions that fall under the 5 big bets as defined by ACEA: Food Systems, Packaging, Electronics, Fashion and Textiles, and Built Environment. 
  • Geographic focus: The program will support solutions with operations in at least one of the countries of Ghana, Ivory Coast, or Rwanda. 
  • Ownership of startup: The program will support startups with African founders or that have a majority management team being African. 


Proposed eligibility requirement for the selection of startups will be based on the following elements:


  • Geographical focus: To be a startup based and operating in Rwanda, Ghana, or Ivory Coast to be founded by an African national or the majority leadership team are Africans. 
  • Circular solutions/business models:

– To operate according to circular principles and to have a business model based in the circular econom

– Focus on key thematic areas in line with the African Development Bank and partners, e.g. food systems, packaging electronics, Fashion & Textiles, Build Environment


  • Early stage startup with at least a minimum viable product (MVP) that has been tested


  1. Viability of the Business Model: The startup shows it has local demand, a clear business model, an attractive value proposition, understands its target market, and identifies competitive advantages.
  2. Level of Circularity: The startup integrates circular principles, considers environmental impact and sustainability, implements waste reuse and regeneration efforts, and aims to improve environmental and social impact.
  3. Team Leadership and Skills: The team displays entrepreneurial and management qualities, possesses relevant skills and experience, and works cohesively.
  4. Potential for Job Creation: The startup’s employment figures and trends over the past three years, factors influencing employment, and five-year job creation projections are taken into account.
  5. Gender/Inclusivity: The project’s value chain or mission includes consideration of women.
  6. Level of Innovation – Technology or Data: The startup adapts to local realities and offers original, innovative, and quality products/services.
  7. Potential Impact: The possible positive effects the startup’s solution has or can have on its community, industry or the environment. This will include the social, economic, and environmental impact. 
  8. Scaling Potential and Replicability: The business model and solution of the startup are capable of being scaled and replicated in other markets or contexts, considering aspects such as the adaptability of the business model, the scalability of the technology or solution, and the potential for geographical or demographic expansion.


Startups meeting these criteria will be considered for participation in the program.


Each local Impact Hub (Abidjan, Accra, Kigali) selected their top 10 innovative startups to be supported in the program. These startups are now undergoing circularity diagnostics which will be followed by circularity focused training, workshops and coaching sessions ahead of selecting who will be provided financial grants to test their innovations further.


Below are the shortlisted startups from Rwanda:


  • Afri-Farmers: Leveraging technology to connect smallholder farmers with consumers, Afri-Farmers provides training on best agricultural practices and helps farmers access necessary farm inputs.
  • Chanels Innovation: Through AI-driven firmware, Chanels enhances energy distribution efficiency for micro-utilities, lowering operational costs and improving service delivery in underserved communities.
  • Indintambwe Feeds Ltd: Indintambwe Feeds utilizes maggots as an alternative protein source for animal feed, making it affordable for small and medium farmers.
  • South Circle: Tackling the glass waste problem, South Circle transforms glass waste into eco-friendly construction materials such as tiles, terrazzo, and countertops.
  • Incuti Foods: Incuti Foods addresses post-harvest losses of chili peppers among Rwandan smallholder farmers by providing a market for their produce.
  • ClenVille: ClenVille creates affordable, durable interlocking building blocks from plastic waste, addressing high construction costs and inadequate housing.
  • Rebanatex: Rebanatex recycles banana trunks into biodegradable leather products, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional leather.
  • FruitFresh: The FruitFresh charcoal cooler is a zero-energy cooling system using charcoal leftovers, providing an eco-friendly solution for preserving produce.
  • Uza: Uza is a platform that facilitates the sale and purchase of second-hand or ‘pre-loved’ items, making the process hassle-free and accessible.
  • Agritech Booster: Agritech Booster reduces plastic waste and soil pollution by offering biodegradable packaging and seedling racks made from cassava peels.



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