1. Introduction

Impact Hub Kigali (IHK) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data. This policy outlines our responsibilities and practices in the collection, use, and protection of personal data, ensuring compliance with Rwanda’s data protection laws and regulations.

2. Scope

This Data Protection Policy governs the collection, processing, and storage of personal data by Impact Hub Kigali in accordance with Law No 058/2021 relating to the protection of personal data and privacy. Personal data is processed lawfully based on consent, contract, legal obligation, vital interests, public interest, or legitimate interests. Consent is obtained explicitly, and individuals may withdraw their consent at any time.

3. Definitions
4. Roles and Responsibilities
5. Data protection Principles

IHK adheres to the following principles with respect to data protection:

5. a. Processing data fairly and lawfully

When we receive personal data about a person directly from that individual, whichwe intend to keep, we need to provide that person with fair processing information. This means we need to inform them about:

5. b. Processing data for the original purpose

The second data protection principle requires that personal data is only processed for the specific, explicit and legitimate purposes that the individual was told about when we first obtained their information. This means that we should not collect personal data for one purpose and then use it for another. If it becomes necessary to process a person’s information for a new purpose, the individual should be informed of the new purpose beforehand. For example, sharing an email address that the individual provided to us to keep up to date with our activities, cannot be used to share with other organizations for marketing purposes without the individual’s consent.

5. c. Personal data should be adequate and accurate

Data should be limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which it is processed. Inaccurate or outdated information shall be corrected and/or destroyed securely.

5. d. Not retaining data longer than necessary

We will not keep personal data any longer than we need to for the purpose of what it is collected for. As soon as data is no longer needed, we shall erase it from our systems. Each department of Impact Hub will determine what kind of data will be retained for what amount of time according to the use needed.

6. Data Sharing and Disclosure

Personal data may be shared with third parties only when necessary for the fulfillment of the services provided by IHK, in compliance with the purposes stated, or as required by law. All third parties are vetted to ensure that they comply with this data protection policy and the relevant legal standards. 

7. Rights of Data Subjects

Individuals whose data is held by IHK have the right to:

8. Data Breach Notification Procedures

In the event of a data breach, Impact Hub Kigali follows procedures to:

9. Policy Updates

This policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in legal requirements or our data processing practices. Any changes will be communicated to data subjects through our usual channels of communication.

Contact Information:

For inquiries or complaints regarding data protection, individuals can contact us: [email protected]