Code of COnduct

Impact Hub Kigali (“IHK”) is committed to maintaining a positive and ethical work environment where employees and stakeholders can thrive. This Code of Conduct outlines our core principles, values, and expectations to guide our actions and decisions. It also outlines consequences for unacceptable behaviour and provides resources for all relevant actors to report violations. In the event of non-compliance, IHK will take appropriate steps to address and remediate. All employees, contractors, and stakeholders are expected to uphold and promote these standards.

1. Ethical Behaviour
  1. Integrity: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: Employees, contractors and stakeholders must avoid situations where their private interests conflict with the interests of the company. “Private interests” means both the financial or personal interests of the employee or contractor or those of their connections including family, personal friends, clubs, and societies to which they belong or any person or organization to whom they owe a favour. Any actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest must be disclosed to a senior staff member or the Managing Director.
  3. Bribery and Corruption: We strictly prohibit bribery, corruption, or any form of unethical influence and adhere to the strictest standards set forth by anti-corruption laws and regulations. Employees and contractors must not offer, give, or accept any form of bribes or kickbacks in a direct or indirect manner in their interaction with government officials and business partners to secure an undue advantage. IHK forbids the provision of “expediting,” “facilitating,” or “grease” payments to government officials that are designed to accelerate or smooth over a particular government-required action.

Employees and contractors will disclose any close relationships with any “Politically Exposed Persons” – i.e., individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions by a country. They should disclose any such relationships during the contracting process with IHK or, if a relationship subsequently develops, promptly disclose them to IHK.


2. Respect and Inclusivity
  1. Respect for All: IHK is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, religion, age, disability, or any other personal characteristic. This rule applies to all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruiting, hiring, training, work assignment, promotion, transfer, termination, and wage and salary administration. 
  2. Harassment: We believe we all deserve to work in an environment that is free of prohibited discrimination, harassment, and bullying. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. We are committed to providing a safe and harassment-free workplace. Please refer to the Policy on the Prevention and Protection from Sexual Harassment.
  3. Workplace Safety: IHK is committed to an injury-free and illness-free workplace that is operated in an environmentally sound manner in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations that protect worker safety and the environment. Employees and contractors should perform work in a safe manner.
3. Confidentiality
  1. Protecting Information: All employees, contractors and stakeholders must protect sensitive and confidential information related to the company, clients, and colleagues. Use such information only for legitimate business purposes and request consent before disclosure.
4. Environmental Responsibility
  1. Sustainability: We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact as part of our impact strategy. We encourage sustainable practices and compliance with all environmental laws and regulations. We will strive to integrate and apply environmental values into our decision-making processes and in our relationships with external partners.
5. Business Conduct
  1. Fair Competition: We promote fair competition and do not engage in anticompetitive practices. We adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.
  2. Intellectual Property: At IHK, we are committed to protecting our own confidential and proprietary information as well as that of third parties. Employees, contractors and partners should respect both IHK’s and third parties’ intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents, and never knowingly infringe the intellectual property rights of those third parties. Do not use or reproduce such property without permission.
  3. Property of IHK: Staff given access to any property of IHK should ensure that it is properly used for the purpose of conducting IHK’s business. Misappropriation of the property for personal use or resale is strictly prohibited.
6. Social Responsibility
  1. Community Engagement: We actively contribute to the communities in which we operate and strive to make a positive impact.
7. Reporting Violations
  1. Whistleblowing: If you become aware of any violations of this Code of Conduct, report them through appropriate channels without fear of retaliation. The whistle-blower policy is contained in Article VIII of the Articles of Incorporation of IHK.
  2. The following channels can be used to report any violations of this Code: 

There is no time limit on reporting violations of the Code. However, the longer you wait to report an offense, the harder it becomes for staff members/officials to obtain information and witness statements and to make determinations regarding alleged violations. Anonymous complaints are permitted. However, this may limit IHK’s ability to investigate and respond to your complaint.

8. Enforcement
  1. Consequences: Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contracts in accordance with labour applicable laws. 


IHK can take prompt and appropriate remedial action in response to violations of the Code. Any employee or contractor who engages in conduct prohibited by the Code as determined by the Office Manager will be subject to discipline actions and sanctions in accordance with the labour law.

Once a complaint has been placed, the Office Manager will initially analyse it and s/he may meet privately with the person reporting the case to understand the facts surrounding the issue. He or she may request the Board of Directors to appoint IHK staff members as part of a committee to address the violation or allegation. Following a fact-finding phase, a meeting should take place to ascertain the facts of the case and receive observations. Recording of the case should be undertaken in written form including facts and alleged violations.
Sanctions may include:

9. Conclusions

IHK is dedicated to upholding these principles and values. It is essential that all employees and stakeholders read, understand, and follow this Code of Conduct to ensure the success and integrity of our company.


By adhering to this Code, we contribute to a positive workplace and build a reputation of trust and integrity in Rwanda and beyond.